music freak, nothing else

Age 30, Female

Vape store Manager


Joined on 10/28/09

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redjokerx's News

Posted by redjokerx - December 1st, 2010

i like this one :)


new picture of me

Posted by redjokerx - November 27th, 2010

today was pretty awesome.

i went into work, got hit on by some creepy guys, watched a rather flamboyant man dance around the store for 15 minutes, made some sales. then i headed over to the wrapping booth, which consisted of hanging out with my friends for 2 1/2 hours. then my friend picked me up and we hung out at starbucks for a couple hours, the he drove me around town for like another hour XD we got to go out on the dock though, so that rocked :)

i had one of those big ass monsters and super caffeinated drinks at starbucks, im currently shaking and i really REALLY want to dance on the roof of the parking garage

today was pretty awesome

Posted by redjokerx - November 13th, 2010

curious to know as to what length this will go on.
time is running out, and yet i still lay awake
staying still against my will while someone steals what i crave?

addiction does me something of a terrible sort.


a freshness laid upon his skin
renewing the tastes of auburn sin,

a colour loving world in which the shades do reside
with the soft taste of rain as the truth seeps inside.

something that transcends, something that crawls
closer to the center, something for us all.

sometimes beauty is found between the like,
perhaps this shared beauty is perfect despite
what the world craves, what the world knows,
despite the fact that love is just put on for show

lines of the only truth i make

Posted by redjokerx - November 6th, 2010

fun is more fun when it's r-rated fun ;)

ps, you have NO IDEA how long it took for me to put those pictures together down there :P

my parties make your parties cry

Posted by redjokerx - November 1st, 2010

i just got my first job at hot topic!!

my training starts this friday, i cant wait to for REAL meet my new co-workers :D

tomorrow im going over to a friend's house to watch kick-ass with him!

my week is gonna rock :)

Posted by redjokerx - October 31st, 2010

the halloween party was fun, i was the queen of wonderland (costume in hot topic)

we had like 15 people at my friend's house :)

and (of course) the guy i decide to suck face with is wearing so much makeup, i had to keep washing it off my face!

we went trick-or-treating, and my friend's neighborhood ONLY hands out FULL SIZED CANDY BARS

fuck. yes.

sadly, i have school tomorrow. sadface

my costume. was. hot. end of story

Posted by redjokerx - October 16th, 2010

so my day was pretty eventful, i had a competition from 8 to 3, we got third place :)
then i went over to a friend's to decorate t-shirts for twin day (we have like 8 or 9 people all being twins)

monday is costume day. im going as a puppet (well a marionette, but that's a big word.)

ill take pictures :)

Posted by redjokerx - October 4th, 2010

to cut of my hands so i no longer can dance
with the man made of gold, who also no longer dances a pau de deux in the candlelit room.

the world is made into that of a conflicting statement.
every step east will take you westward, not as the wanderer wishes, which is truly north, despite what he claims.

a canvas laid blank until the picture printed inner
delight at the time a new leaf was turned,
just as believers fall fast into sinners,
their punishment be righteous, their fate be earned.


well, there you have it. a poem thingy that sounds like one of the ones you read in school. one of the ones you get tested on. yuck. although i do like this one. a rhyme scheme was becoming to controlling. minus the end, this is one step closer to true free verse

Posted by redjokerx - September 20th, 2010

i really dont. kinda slow.

practice was pointless. i got nothing out of it.

competition on saturday is gonna suck for me. so is our game on friday.

gonna. suck.

i just found out that my ex-best friend is now dating the first guy i ever liked. before him, she dated the second guy i ever liked. wonderful.

picked up the guitar again. writing some lyrics, finding some notes. a work in progress i suppose.

mom sent me down here to fold my laundry. it's sitting on my bed. i dont wanna move.

i stopped caring in the yesteryear.
i stopped living the night you ran away.
i cant go on without you in my life.
so please come and dance the night away.

i wanna go outside at night. cool air feels nice.
i want summer to end, i cant take this heat!
outside on a roof is where i can be still.
outside in the night is where i can bleed.

Posted by redjokerx - September 3rd, 2010

going to hershey park on sunday.
going to a party on monday.
school starts on tuesday.

that gives me today and possibly tomorrow to read 2 books and do 3 projects...why am i on the internet again?

also, just re-watched half blood prince. snape is my hero

dear god...