music freak, nothing else

Age 30, Female

Vape store Manager


Joined on 10/28/09

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redjokerx's News

Posted by redjokerx - February 7th, 2011

thats what ill do, ill be a sword swallower. or just a knife swallower. idk where im going with this...i was fiddling with these GINORMOUS scissors, the blade of them is around 6 inches. its not all that hard to do with something that size, and ive only cut myself 2 times, and i cut my hand, cause i dropped them on my hand XD

i finally have a webcam! its on the laptop im using right now, its cool :)

there's this new kid at my school, ive already half-way inittiated him into our group. all we need now is some lesbians on him and he'll be all done :D

i really need to stop spending money. but i really want a corset! i need to find one so i can stop oogling every one i see XP

i had a girlfriend for all of 6 hours, then i broke up with her, but we've agreed to still act like we're dating, just without the titles. so i still get her! yaaaay!

im now grounded for 2 weeks. this. sucks. BALLS. ill still weasel my way out of it early though. ill find a loop-hole and crawl right through, im a flexible little bitch :)

Posted by redjokerx - February 5th, 2011

me and her went to see a movie: the green hornet. it was good (i think, it could have just been because i was excited to be with her again XD) and then went to borders for coffee. we talked about sex and suicidal bunnies.

we're gonna hang out again sometime, maybe next weekend (after i get off work of course!) i also made a super important decision. yay me. i cant wait to see her again!

i love her :)

Posted by redjokerx - February 4th, 2011

im going out tomorrow with a girl ive been missing. we're seeing a movie and then chilling with some coffee. i miss her so much, its been 8 months since ive seen her. i dont like being away from her :P

i did 412 sit-ups yesterday, 467 today. im gonna start running soon, once the weather gets a bit warmer.

gonna make some tea. the good stuff :)

Posted by redjokerx - February 3rd, 2011

i...have a dilema.

there's this girl that i really like, and she likes me too, and so does her boyfriend: basically they both wanna fuck. she's going to ask him if she can date both of us, and im pretty sure he'd be okay with it, as long as he can watch whatever girl-girl things we do and that she chooses him in the end. im chill with that too: because she would be dating two people, i could also date another person.

i know what your're thinking: that's not dating, that's her dating a boy and cheating on him with you! but the way our minds work, it's dating.

my problem is "wouldn't it feel...weird knowing that the girl im WITH isn't completely mine? and that her boyfriend has the hots for me too?" im chill with everything, im just worried ill cause a rift between them.

on a happier note, im bringing my boss brownies next week, since he turned 24 this week. i really hope he likes them, he's such a skinny boy so i hope he can eat them! (he said he loves brownies :3 )

testing just finished up. all we have left are SOL's and finals. ew.

im taking sociology next. yay!

im (hopefully) getting together with my friend who switched schools. i love her ^_^

at work next week, im gonna wear my favorite dress. that way ill look awesome! yay!

Posted by redjokerx - January 28th, 2011

just got back from another party. this one was 8 1/2 hours long :D

i got girl at this party. oh the girl. this one is WILD. it was amazing.

we also experimented with webcams. boys REALLY like girls on each other.

i got a hair-cut. it ROCKS. everyone told me i look sexy. i think it looks sexy

work tomorrow, shower time!

Posted by redjokerx - January 24th, 2011

i was laying in a lake thinking about tomorrow when i saw the peach coloured sunset drowning the world's sorrows and when i looked back to the sky i saw that what wasn't alive was now pushing against earth's gravity just to wave goodbye.

Posted by redjokerx - January 16th, 2011

sooo yesterd day at work was interesting? i was the only girl working so all the creepers in the store went for me XP
this one guy was in the store in the morning, then again at around 5, then 5:30 with his friend. then they left. but when i left the store to go home, guess who was right behind me? yeah. they were. the conversation basically went like this:

"hey, where you going? you off work?"
"yeah, i just got off, im going home"
"why you going home?"
"im tired?"
"hah ive been up since new years and im fine!"
"did you have a party?"
"hell yeah! did you go to a party?"
"yeah! i love to party!"
"you know, you should come party with us sometime"
"no thanks"
"hey how come?"
"i dont know you guys"
"im trying to get to know you now"

i start taking bigger steps at this point

"i love your dress"
"aw, thanks!"
"it's that your attractive too, but that shit's hot!"
"hah thaaanks..."

ive now gotten my phone out of my bag and called my dad to see if he's outside. they laugh that i got my phone out.

"so is someone outside for you?"
"i think so"

yeaaaah that was that. luckily these two didn't offer to buy me presents, or give me a ride home, or touch me innappropriately. my name is abbi and i...am jailbait

Posted by redjokerx - January 13th, 2011

boyfriend and i broke up. so im single again.

this means i can have girl and boy again. yaaaaay

Posted by redjokerx - January 3rd, 2011

how long has it been since his lips have met with another's sweetened skin?
how long did he wait for his lover to indulge in such a heated sin?
there's something peculiar about this pair.
how much longer will it take for someone to say,
"dear child! two of a kind isn't right! something inside must have been lost along the way."

how far did he travel down that road to see you one time more?
how far was the path he had to take to see you behind the final door?
there's something peculiar about this scene.
how much longer will it take for someone to begin to say,
"my boy! it's unnatural to care so much! something must have been added along the way."

how many more words must be spoken before i have you in my arms?
how many more words must i shove at you before you'll cause me no more harm?
there's something peculiar about this man.
how many more times must i have to say,
"we are all abnormal within the average world, but i guess some of us died along the way."


how soon shall his lips, a pushing force upon mine, a staggering power, consume me in their cage?
how soon will this blade of false hope either strengthen or fall down?
when shall this most confusing pair here the conforming sound?

while floating closely to the edge, not far for he shall not face yet his fears
of living in a hidden world, where the other's music cannot be heard.
there is something peculiar about this love of theirs,
their lovely hidden bird.

how many more must be moved away before their secrets break free?
sometimes enough is never quite enough, and he let the separation be.
sometimes lovers are made from the same body. contrarywise, im sure this is still so,
"whether you love him through and through, sometimes you have to let go"


well there's my 3 minute improv for the day.
hope everyone had a great new years! i know i did ;)

i went to an awesome party! i made out with every girl there! plus a guy who is now my boyfriend :)
luckily he knows im gay (and thoroughly enjoys it) so i can make out with girls and still be okay :D
i believe our understood rule is "we get to be straight with each other, but if we want to be gay, that's okay too."
he is the STRAIGHTEST guy you will ever meet though. so i guess that rule is for me only XD so i can have girl, but he's my only boy :)

today has been a dream, and im the cloud that carries it to the next person. feel the rain and pass it on

Posted by redjokerx - December 6th, 2010

i kinda like this one :)

all my computer stuff is done on this one site called onemotion.com, check it out sometime