music freak, nothing else

Age 30, Female

Vape store Manager


Joined on 10/28/09

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redjokerx's News

Posted by redjokerx - July 12th, 2010

im fairly happy today, excitement excitement! :D

tomorrow is practice again, we didn't have practice last time because we couldn't get into the school :P

but it doesn't matter, cause im all happy ^-^

Posted by redjokerx - July 11th, 2010

my parents are fighting again! monday is my mom's birthday, and her and my step dad were supposed to go to Philadelphia yesterday, but they were arguing, so it led up to them not going.

instead, my step dad took me and my brother out to buy here birthday gifts, and (im assuming) to just get out of the house, cause she was really mad. so we spent like 5 hours out, running errands and finding good gifts.

we get back home, do all of our chores, and order chinese (my mom isn't home yet, and wont be for like 20 minutes) so she gets home, and asks what we had for dinner. then gets mad because we hadn't eaten yet, and because we were ordering chinese. we (dad brother and i) sit down to watch a movie, and my mom doesn't join us because "she doesn't feel welcome" so she fixes herself some pasta and goes upstairs to watch a movie.

this morning (i woke up and walked out of my room to get a drink) my mom is up and calls me upstairs, where i get yelled at because we had "stayed up to late" which i call BULLSHIT on because i was in my room at 10:30!

then yells at me because SHES my mother and i should choose HER side of this whole argument between her and my step dad and how "he did the same thing with my step sister and her mother, tried to win her over with gifts" but my step dad isn't trying to win me and my brother over...he took us shopping for HER. i bought a cd and an itunes card with extra money i had, there really was no winning over....

ive decided that i WILL choose a side, the "both of you are idiots and should learn to get along" side.

you shouldn't take your anger out on your children, because we have no part in this.

Posted by redjokerx - July 7th, 2010

i am a fluffy bunny

and "dreaming of you" is a good song, one of my favorite to sing!

/* */
its a really good movie too!

things have been at a stand still here, got some chinese food, watched a movie, im STILL sleepy, maybe ill get to bed before 5 XD there are so many distractions, like a big ball of yarn!

im going to either a: save my money and get a mic so i can record something, or use it all going places....ok fuck that im spending it on going places XD or maybe buy replacement cat ears, mine broke :P

my mother bought me a BUNCH of those bracelets in the shape of objects, so i have like a million of them now, but what REALLY confuses me is how i got a puppy and a hedgehog in a bag labeled "treats" (there's supposed to be ice cream, Popsicle, cake, sweets you know?)

maybe hedgehogs taste delicious...i must test this!

fluffy bunny

Posted by redjokerx - July 1st, 2010

i answered this question for you all

this question is about megan fox being racist

about her...ass?

about her being a man

maybe you should ask megan fox herself...

btw, this one chick, barbara mori, is just as hot (if not hotter) than megan fox

Posted by redjokerx - June 30th, 2010

that was pretty good! eclipse was better than expected, the midnight showing was nicer than i thought!

there were no squealy girls, there were 4 or 5 11 year olds trying to make everyone sing karaoke, but they were escorted out i think...

they didn't butcher the movie, it stayed pretty close to the book actually...

the people weren't loud or obnoxious, they were nice, they even helped me find my phone when i dropped it on the ramped seats, people were mostly silent, minus the funny parts of course!

i think i had a pretty good time for my first midnight premier! ^_^

Posted by redjokerx - June 26th, 2010

ok ive embarrassed myself enough with those pictures :P

to tell you the truth ive taken worse ones at parties XD and those DID end up somewhere on the internets, i think FB :/

i burned my tongue last night so now nothing tastes right, and tonight we're having a special dinner T_T

this summer has gone WONDERFUL! ive been to parties, gotten even closer to some of my friends, and been creeped out by these 2 guys i know...ew

thanks for the self esteem boost you guys! ^_^

little late, but here's some lizards at a rave doing the thriller!

ok you can look now!

Posted by redjokerx - June 18th, 2010

roaming the streets yelling at random people! yes!

nothing in particular this time, just wanted to waste more time, im not unconscious yet, so i might as well put my time to a not productive use!

i borrowed one of nick's cds, it had a BUNCH of like techno and indie pop, its actually pretty fun to listen to! i wish i could see him more often :P oh well! he has to get his cds now!

the cd had these bands:

q and not u
death cab for cutie
the faint
the unicorns
the postal service

and then a remix of an OMD song called "enola gay"

really interesting songs, gonna go great with my new old school headphones

Posted by redjokerx - June 7th, 2010

weeeeell this week has rocked, i passed ALL my standardized tests, but one of my teachers is still making up take the final :P

i got the piccolo part for marching band :D (yaaaaaaaaay)

i went in early (like 2 hours early) and helped decorate for our spring banquet, soooo much fun! i got my first letter!!!! :DDDDD

i went to a resturaunt in old town, soo tasty, really inexpensive too! then i went to a meeting, that was kinda awkward, since there were mostly adults (maybe 5 other people my age there) but it was still a good way to spend time.

i got to know my best friend's older brother better, he's a really nice guy! he's always kinda quiet when he's in class (although that might be because he has an instrument in his mouth...) air forces guy, so i shoulda known he was awesome! XD

here's another picture from right before i went into my best friend's quince (i reeeeeally hate it when my parents try taking pictures :P) but oh well this one's not to terrible

more picture

Posted by redjokerx - May 31st, 2010

today was...interesting i got to be with everyone, but tomorrows gonna suck cause of all the testing

oh how i hate the state of virginia...

Posted by redjokerx - May 30th, 2010

thats meeeeeeee

well the past week has been...interesting

im the new treasurer for band council, yaaaay. apparently that also means (since the other council members are seniors) me and my friend the VP get to plan the banquet for next year. lets see how well THAT works, i think we'll pull it off :D

1 word: haaaaaaaaaaangover

the FLE (family life education) teacher (she teaches us about SEX) told us that, since she cant REALLY stop us from fucking, that if we could not NOT have sex, she would give us condoms, just so we dont get HERPES or AIDS or anything else NASTY, but when me and my friend asked the nurse (big mistake, cause its not the FLE teacher) for condoms, she said "our school advertises abstinence, we dont help young people to have underage sex" well...lets just say that was the most awkward ive ever felt, and something tells me she'll be watching for a baby bump for the next 2 weeks left of school...

school's almost out! i have Sol's next week, then a week of more INTENSE STUDYING (yeah, good luck with getting me to study) and then finals, i get out of most if not all of my finals if i pass all my Sol's (which i will, duh) so i get to leave school a week eaaaarlllyyyyy!! :D

once AGAIN, someone tried to get into my account, like, seriously? maybe try for someone who actually has cool stuff locked away deep in their account, im 15, what's the best i could have? XD

i kinda had a break yesterday, im just soooo stressed from everything, plus there's this love PENTAGON going on, and we're all trying to solve it, but its gonna take a looooooonng time before anyone can forget any of it, and all the things i should probably tell people but dont because its awkward and stuff...

its funny how different people sound from what you expected, like, if they look happy, or look sad, but they sound the opposite, or they act happy, or angry, but the sound completely different!

super fantasmic man-prince