my parents are fighting again! monday is my mom's birthday, and her and my step dad were supposed to go to Philadelphia yesterday, but they were arguing, so it led up to them not going.
instead, my step dad took me and my brother out to buy here birthday gifts, and (im assuming) to just get out of the house, cause she was really mad. so we spent like 5 hours out, running errands and finding good gifts.
we get back home, do all of our chores, and order chinese (my mom isn't home yet, and wont be for like 20 minutes) so she gets home, and asks what we had for dinner. then gets mad because we hadn't eaten yet, and because we were ordering chinese. we (dad brother and i) sit down to watch a movie, and my mom doesn't join us because "she doesn't feel welcome" so she fixes herself some pasta and goes upstairs to watch a movie.
this morning (i woke up and walked out of my room to get a drink) my mom is up and calls me upstairs, where i get yelled at because we had "stayed up to late" which i call BULLSHIT on because i was in my room at 10:30!
then yells at me because SHES my mother and i should choose HER side of this whole argument between her and my step dad and how "he did the same thing with my step sister and her mother, tried to win her over with gifts" but my step dad isn't trying to win me and my brother over...he took us shopping for HER. i bought a cd and an itunes card with extra money i had, there really was no winning over....
ive decided that i WILL choose a side, the "both of you are idiots and should learn to get along" side.
you shouldn't take your anger out on your children, because we have no part in this.
good choice
i agree