it has been a ridiculous while...let's see.....
my birthday is in like 3 weeks! one more year till im not jailbait!!
sadly 2 days before my birthday ive managed to get myself a court date for curfew. at least it wasn't drugs or anything :P
i can't wait for opening presents, although my little brother (who has zero REAL interest in playing guitar) has managed to convinced our parents to buy him a brand new one. i saw the box and im super fucking jelly. my guitar needs a new friend because he is old and wants to retire
still working at the same place. still loving every minute of it
got into photography, my pictures are being showcased in the magazine our school produces (and apparently we win awards for it. yay)
i just realized how little i wanna post up here...real life harlot does not make for good internet slut