my mom storms into my room, shoving my little brother out of the way (he came in to wake me up)
she knocks down my calender, and then throws hit across the room (the tack hits me in the head)
and bitches at me about i still have laundry in the dryer! in my house, if someone has something in the way, we pick it up, and move it. its been that way for SIX AND A HALF YEARS! but for some reason, today, no one could be bothered to move something (i had like what, a couple shirts and 3 pairs of pants)
THEN my mom tells me there's NO WAY we could go see the 12 o'clock showing of new moon, so we'll go to the 2:40
this is the first i'd heard we'd be seeing a morning show
im sensing the reason i get 6/7 on those "teenage angst" tests (if you've taken them, you know wat they really are)
ouch, bummer.
that is a shitty way to start your day
she always thinks shes right, so i can never tell her ANYTHING
she'll yell at me and say im being overdramatic
like when our tree tipped over and the glass from the ornaments was stretched all over the floor "don't be stupid, it should only be where the tree is!'
this is why i like talking to you guys ^_^