music freak, nothing else

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don't goooo!

Posted by redjokerx - November 15th, 2009

so i just saw like 3 new ppl who are "replacements" for thespammer.

these children need guidence!


spamasauros rex is the only real one.

i have banned the others.

yeah, i think all others are fails.
like lord-of-spam down there

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try once more, you conformist! XD
i be clicking teh ban button next!

yeah he is fail.

The penis (plural penises, penes) is an external sexual organ of certain biologically male organisms, in both vertebrates and invertebrates.

The penis is a reproductive organ, technically an intromittent organ, and for placental mammals, additionally serves as the external organ of urination. The penis is generally found on mammals and reptiles

The word "penis" is taken from the Latin word for "tail." Some derive that from Indo-European *pesnis, and the Greek word %u03C0%u03B5%u03BF%u03C2 = "penis" from Indo-European *pesos. Prior to the adoption of the Latin word in English the penis was referred to as a "yard". The Oxford English Dictionary cites an example of the word yard used in this sense from 1379,[1] and notes that in his Physical Dictionary of 1684, Steven Blankaart defined the word penis as "the Yard, made up of two nervous Bodies, the Channel, Nut, Skin, and Fore-skin, etc."[2]

The Latin word "phallus" (from Greek %u03C6%u03B1%u03BB%u03BB%u03BF%u03C2) is sometimes used to describe the penis, although "phallus" originally was used to describe images, pictorial or carved, of the penis.[3]

The adjectival form of the word penis is penile. This adjective is commonly used in describing the male copulatory organ's various accessory structures which are commonly found in many kinds of invertebrate animals.

Look up penis in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
As with nearly any aspect of the human body that is involved in sexual or excretory functions, the word penis is considered funny from a juvenile perspective, and there are many slang words and euphemisms for the penis, such as "cock", "dick", "schlong", "johnson", "willy", or "pecker".

"Penii" is sometimes facetiously or mistakenly used as a plural form of "penis" instead of "penes" or "penises," its correct forms.

oh noes! not another one!
could you try to keep it shorter, stupid people are wasting space! ^_^

them spammers up there so fail, that they be banned ^_^

they should have just taken up less space...
thespammer ftw!

truer words have never been spoken

the reason im the best is cause thespammer gives me his personal spams:)

hurray! spamasaurousrex win! ^_^

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder. Also called spastic colon, it is a functional bowel disorder characterized by chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, and alteration of bowel habits in the absence of any detectable organic cause.in some cases, the symptoms are relieved by bowel movements.Diarrhea or constipation may predominate, or they may alternate (classified as IBS-D, IBS-C or IBS-A, respectively). IBS may begin after an infection (post-infectious, IBS-PI) or a stressful life event or may begin at onset of maturity without any other medical indicators.

Although there is no cure for IBS, there are treatments which attempt to relieve symptoms, including dietary adjustments, medication and psychological interventions. Patient education and a good doctor-patient relationship are also important.

Several conditions may present as IBS including celiac disease, mild infections, parasitic infections like giardiasis, several inflammatory bowel diseases, functional chronic constipation, and chronic functional abdominal pain. In IBS, routine clinical tests yield no abnormalities, though the bowels may be more sensitive to certain stimuli, such as balloon insufflation testing. The exact cause of IBS is unknown. The most common theory is that IBS is a disorder of the interaction between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract, although there may also be abnormalities in the gut flora or the immune system.

IBS does not lead to more serious conditions in most patients.But it is a source of chronic pain, fatigue and other symptoms, and it increases a patient's medical costs,and contributes to work absenteeism.Researchers have reported that the high prevalence of IBS,in conjunction with increased costs produces a disease with a high societal cost.It is also regarded as a chronic illness and can dramatically affect the quality of a sufferer's life.


but it's just Abstract nothing much.

hurray!! i go check! ^_^