someones trying to get in to use your account to do dumb stuff, and use your name.
music freak, nothing else
Age 30, Female
Vape store Manager
Joined on 10/28/09
someones trying to get in to use your account to do dumb stuff, and use your name.
i think as long as i get to keep my account to myself, im fine XD
I was trying to go threw your Inbox and other personals
JK. thats just what they would have used it for
lol why would you do such a horrendous act?? off with your head!
Oh no, Sweetie don't get your account stolen, that'd be so bad.
why would they want it anyway?
that's what i was thinking, its not like im super important, or mean to random people
idk sorry sister. wish i could help :(
everyone being smiley helps :D
yeah thats means someone tryed to get in to your account if you allways get it first try cuz when i joined i kept typeing my password wrong and it sent me the same email
oh so someone was trying but they messed up?
if i was you i would change your password just in case
oky tay then!
mine 2 XD no reason to break into mine.
same here!! i dont knoww wh people even try, cause its like woah man make ur ownn
edit: once more, on me trying to type XD
:(=me :D=very person here
i said what what? i dont undersand ur little ewquation there....
I think that's exactly what it means!
someone tried agaaaaaain silly people, get your own account
that was me trying to spy on you in the shower
that was YOU?? im sorry for tazer-ing you
sounds if someone is tryin to get into yer account :I
yeah, i kinda wanna know what's so interesting about pretending to be a 15 year old girl, it's not like im famous or anything XD