music freak, nothing else
Age 30, Female
Vape store Manager
Joined on 10/28/09
finally someone agrees with me!
low self esteem issues? lol
yeah kinda :P
what sucks is that im a few pounds underweight, so if i try to lose weight, my mom freaks out XD
my first strapless dress though, so its a step up!
u look so beauty ;)
thanks! (self esteem up!)
question mark?
you looks amazing sweetie
thanks hon :)
I don't think the dress makes you look chunky at all. Glad you had fun at yer party.
yay, me not chunky! :)
it was the best-est! ^_^
He-e-e-e-e-elloooooo there sugar. Ever thought about modeling?
-Note: I am not a 40 year old rapist disguised as a 14 year old boy.
rofl! not really, but thanks for saying that, made me feel sooo much better! :D
Who else would it be in the dress?
Anyway, you look cute... by the way is that a doorway, mirror , or film cut?
A mirror in front of a door? now that's asking for bad luck.
it's the changing room at the store i bought it at! :D
that's why the clothes i was wearing and some more i was trying on are in the background ^_^
I apologise for the harsh words spoken. It's good that you're against the bashings against the special.
You're hawt btw.
im glad you took that down :)
and thanks!
who is that and wat ther phone nomber?
that's me
gaaaaaah that pic makes me look chunkyyyy XD